Sholihah Collection


Kenapa Hong Kong?

Kenapa HongKong?

Nak sampai ke hongkong sebenarnya impian..
dlm hati time tu, tak dpt yg Tokyo, California, Paris,
Hongkong pun jadik ler
jadikan sebagai permulaan
yg i tau, Disneyland Hongkong paling kecik sekali
tp paling kecik pun, jenuh gak nk abiskan satu hari tu

terkebetulan pulak, Duck keluarkan LE yg collaborate dgn Disney haaaa
mmg sdg helokkkk la sgt
i simpan punye lama demi nk menunggu pakai dpn Disneyland hongkong

ape lg sbb i pilih hongkong
sbb sblm ni i pilih Perth, yg more to scenery and simple itinerary, time tu umur dian br 2.5y
yg hongkong kali ni, helok la umur dia pun nk cecah 4y
dh besar ckit
dh bole ajak jalan tunjuk dia ape tu Disneyland

amik masa 8 bulan to menabung and merancang for Hong Kong trip ni
so far i puas hati sgt
i mmg jenis beli tiket to fly lama lagi, sbb akan ade byk masa to menabung n belajar ttg negara tu sblm pergi.. takde la main aci redah je
plus i sejenis yg travel sndr, i mean takde amik package tour and guide..
i suke mcm tu
free to plan anything.. and
JIMAT! hahaha

 nk beratur amik gmbr dgn mickey and friends sgttt pjg
ni terkebetulan turun dr satu park tu, nmpk Minnie Mouse br smpi
and yg beratur br sikit
so gigih la i beratur demi moments bersama Minnie Mouse

i sangattt what to say eh
terharu, sebak, seronok, allllll the good feelings
when i berjaya bwk Dian ke Disneyland jumpe Minnie Mouse
Dian so happy tau..
Klu korg leh tgk reaction Dian time tu
She so happy till she can cuit hidung Minnie Mouse tu sblm say bye bye

till now, if tanye, Dian nk naik ape?
nak naik aeroplane, pegi HomKom jumpe Minnie Mouse

this is just the beginning
More Disneyland to come
Next Disneyland !

sape nak itinerary and story pasal Hong Kong, angkat keyboard!



What is Your Shine Level

well.. lama tak blogging
just a quick info sharing..

i sgt curious bout my skin type
oily ke, combination ke
coz some part actualy my T Zone sgt oily
while ade part yg sgt kering till nmpk menggelupas

so decided to go Kiehls just to tau my skin type
just a simple n basic steps
they will amik 2 strips, tepek kat ur dahi n cheek 
then will compare with the chart below

and whats my result

 oily for forehead

cheek also oily

n paling shocked, when i know that my skin damaged..
tot the menggelupas part because of kering
but its sign of damaged skin

basically its because of tak remove makeup in correct way and kurang air
my skin sgt tak moist n rosak u olssssssss
she also tell me that oily skin like me cant wear cream moisturizer, i need gel type..

honestly, i sgt tak pandai bout skincare
n i sgt malas sbnrnye
i just use cleanser
no toner, or moisturizer
i br tried 1-2 jenis while im hunting the correct toner and moisturiser that suit my skin
but raya ari tu i breakout truk
so i stopped
nasib baik i mmg sellau try sample dulu
klu i purchase betul2, then tbe2 tak suit my skin, nangis oiiiii

so same at Kiehls, i asked for their sample

for muka yg kuat mekap like me, Garnier micellar water to remove my makeup, its not enough
the dirt tak keluar betul2, so chemical dlm makeup tu rosakkn my skin..

ow, i sgt tak sabar to try the cleansing oil..
doakan la i rajin to review and to pki toner and moisturiser..



Review: Philosophy Purity Cleanser & Pure Beauty PINK

i mmg ada masalah ni
each time i tgk youtube utk mekap tutorial, skincare, or what so ever la
i akan mudah terpengaruh dgn produk2 yg deme ni pki
selagi tak dpt, i susah hati
so better i tak tgk 
but kdg2 i tertengok
n terrrrr nak beli
and terbeli

n dont ajak2 i masuk watson
once i masuk, i akan masuk watson ari2
beli yg tah pape
tak caya tanye kak noly
i now mengharapkan dia utk control i dr benda2 mcm ni

Produk: Philosophy Purity Clenaser
Beli di: Sephora
Price: RM95
Packaging: so so la, bottle dia mcm body wash punye bottle, susah nk picit bottle ni
Bintang: **
Repurchase: no
Review: yg ni i terpngaruh dr youtube zarina ape tah. i kinda love something yg mcm ni, yg clenaser 3 in 1, 4 in 1, 5 in 1.. i pki ni smpi abis la, but guess what, what happened? like nothing pun, rasa biasa n sama je skin i... takde perubahan, but honestly ni, bnda ni buih dia i think tak la byk sgt, but after rinse tu, woahhh, muke rasa lembap2 gitu..  beli dh lama dh, Oktober 2016, dh abis pki dh, n tak repurchase pun. 

Produk: Pure Beauty CC Cream
Beli di: Watson
Price: RM44
Bintang: -
Packaging: love the box, the pink color, the tube
Repurchase: no no no!
Review: owwwww, y i terpengaruh dgn benda ni.. haa, sbb saje2 je tepek kat tgn ari tu, then promoter dia promote baikkkk punye.. plus cc cream ni mcm ade glitter2, glow2! how can i tak beli!! br je beli akhir july ari tu, 2 hari pki, thennnnnnn, i rasa like my kulit muke so gelappppp.. duno y.. bawah lighting yg kuat my skin so glowing, but selain bawah lighting, my muke soooo gelap. mcm br lps sunburn. duno y. aih, y la i beli bnda ni. btw, if ade yg pki produk ni and suit with u, u can amik this from me.

Produk: Pure Beauty So Glow Essence
Beli di: Watson
Price: RM44
Bintang: -
 Packaging: love the box, the pink color, the bottle
Repurchase: no no no!
Review: same goes to this one. essence ni so so so not suitable utk i.. after pki br 2 hari, kuar bijik2 kat bahagian pipi i. br je nk stat cr serum/essence  yg best utk my skin, but this one tak sesuai utk i.

korg skrg pki skincare ape.
suggestion please..



Review: Original Cake

i nak kongsi
kek yg viral naw2 br ni
asal dr Taiwan
katanye kek yg femes naw2 kat sana
yg org beratur pjg utk opening tu
i kdg2 malas nk beratur2 ni..
so tunggu rede je la dulu, br merasa
at least i kna rasa
klu tak, i sakit kepala duk pk cmne rasa dia

kan dah lengang tu
takyah beratur2

i mintak yg cheese flavor
RM15.20 (tmasuk beg plastik)
i tot tgh promo price
kat situ dia tulis harga rm20
tp i byr rm15
bile i tanye, budak tu pun cam blur2 nk jwb

berat gak kek dia weh
dia ade bg pisau plastik kat situ
hahah. comel

n bigggggg portion
kira dgn harga tu, berbaloi n puas makan la

kan i mintak cheese flavor
but bile i potong
tk nmpk cheese ponnnn
kosong jeeeeee
sori la gmbr tak de seni
time i potong ni, Dian dh tak tentu arah haaa dok tarik2 i nak mkn kek
"kek, kek, kek.." katanya
Dian dpt makan kek, laju la diaaa...

 so pg ni i google gmbr Original Cake yg cheese flavor
tgk gmbr dia mcm ade sikit layer cheese
tp i lgsg takde
so confirm, yg ni sbnrnye original flavor, bkn cheese
ari ni potong ckit bwk bekal g sekolah, eh, opis
n confirm, original flavor RM15, cheese flavor RM20

my review:
kek dia lembuttttttt angat2... nice.. 
 i kan cake lover, so i can give honest review lar..
kek lembut
tak manis sgt
sedap dimakan
harga berbaloi
kek dia moist2 gak la

i can repeat,  but not selalu la
but if i nk mkn kek, dgn harga berbaloi but big portion, definately i will choose this
but serius, if nk makan rmi2, ianya sgt berbaloi


updated 3.8.17

 rezeki smlm... ade org belanja yg flavor frozen choc
harga rm25
eheiii. rezeki jgn ditolak, musuh jgn dicarik

 sedapppp oiiiiii!
tgh2 tu ade layer choc
terasa choc dia weh
walau selayer
n i sukeeeeeee sbb dia ade rasa pahit2 choc tu
tak muakkkk
n kek dia tak manis sgttt
manis yg juzt nicee
perfecto for me!

next, cheese please!

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