Yesss... Sy seorg yg boolattt..
So what???
I need to diet gile2???
I cant eat what i want???
So then i will get slim body but with big head??
Im juz being myself
Well, stil need to reduce some weight to get healthy..
"Bukan senang nk kurus and bukan susah nk gemuk.."
4 Juta Org Sayang Saya:
sy nak leha yg dlm pic ptame tu...suwittt
hahaha.. pic pertame> kang tak muat masuk pintu umh kang.. eh b, asal takleh follow blog awk?
dah follow...die mmg cmtu belog ni.hehe..leha awk bt cne pic gemuk tu.nak bt gak..nk tgk saat diriku gmok.. :P
lepas baca post ni memang i merenung tajam you untuk seketika...
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